Jūbako Yomi (重箱読み - Mixed Reading of Chinese and Japanese)

Mar 3, 2021 20:32
Jūbako Yomi

In my post yesterday, I explained that it is not standard to read 代替 as 'daigae' (だいがえ).

When the reading of 代替 is 'daigae' (だいがえ), 代 is the Chinese reading, whereas 替 is the Japanese reading.

The combination of the Chinese and Japanese readings in this way is called 'jūbako yomi' (重箱読み) in Japanese.

'Jū' (重) means "overlap," 'bako/hako' (箱) means "box," and the combination 'jūbako' (重箱) means multitiered boxes in which food is stored.

Here, 'jū' is the Chinese reading, and 'bako' is the Japanese reading.

In addition, 'yomi' (読み) means "reading."

That is to say, 'jūbako yomi' means a term that is read as a mixture of a Chinese reading and a Japanese reading like 'jūbako'.




「重」は "overlap"、「箱」は "box" を意味し、「重箱」はハレの日の料理を入れる、重ねることができる箱を差します。


また、「読み」は "reading" を意味します。

No. 1 spontaneouspotato's correction
Very natural, not much correction needed. Good work!
Thank you for the comment!
I'm glad to hear you say that. (^^)

  • In my post yesterday, I explained that it is not standard to read 代替 as 'daigae' (だいがえ).
  • In my post yesterday, I explained that 'daigae' (だいがえ) is not the standard reading of 代替..
     a little clearer
  • When the reading of 代替 is 'daigae' (だいがえ), 代 is the Chinese reading, whereas 替 is the Japanese reading.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The combination of the Chinese and Japanese readings in this way is called 'jūbako yomi' (重箱読み) in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Jū' (重) means "overlap," 'bako/hako' (箱) means "box," and the combination 'jūbako' (重箱) means multitiered boxes in which food is stored.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Here, 'jū' is the Chinese reading, and 'bako' is the Japanese reading.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In addition, 'yomi' (読み) means "reading."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • That is to say, 'jūbako yomi' means a term that is read as a mixture of a Chinese reading and a Japanese reading like 'jūbako'.
  • The word 'jubako' is itself a 'jubako yomi'
     This sentence was hard to understand. Was this what you meant?
Very useful. Thanks for sharing!
  • The word 'jubako' is itself a 'jubako yomi'

    This sentence was hard to understand. Was this what you meant?

Thank you for correcting my post!

>> The word 'jubako' is itself a 'jubako yomi'
> This sentence was hard to understand. Was this what you meant?

Yes, this is what I wanted to mean. :)